31 May MUSE Memories Pt 16
#MUSEmemories #CountdownToTen
The Firken Curse
Circa June 3rd 2011
MUSE’s 2nd anniversary Open House was off to a roaring start that fateful day! We decided to step our for lunch at the Firken near the spa. It was our go-to spot for lunch, meetings, those days when you just need a drink! Or 4! 😂
We were excited! Exhausted. Proud. A toast to making it through 2 of the hardest challenging years of life! It was mid-cyber hate and competitor attacks on our business/personal lives. Cheers to us! 🥂 *clink*
We order some eats and another drink. We see the waitress walking to our table with our food! 🍽
The instant the plates hit our table, our phones rings. It’s the spa. We let it go to voicemail. We wanted to focus on our lunch before heading back. Then they ring again. And then again. We look at each other pensively. This is odd. We picked up the next call.
The next 2hrs of our lives was a blur so real I still get chills discussing it.
6 cops and 3 bylaw officers were at the spa. They sequestered all clients (about 12-15) in our lobby, & had all our staff in a lineup in the hallway. 😱
We didn’t eat. We raced back, shaking like leaves. Now what?! What on earth is happening? 😢 We are greeted by 2 bylaw officers and briskly walked to our office. Our main lawyer was already on his way to join us. Wtf. Cops, bylaw, lawyers?! Omg what is happening??!!
We were told point blank that we had to forego our Holistic License, slapped with 35 infraction tickets, and told we had 3 months to find, purchase, & switch to a Body Rub Parlor License!! 😱 But all 25 were in operation! It costs 200k-1.2million to purchase one! 😲 and that was ONLY IF we could find someone willing to sell! And find the money!! OH MY GOD!
We had written our last renovation check that morning thinking we were finally debt-free. We couldn’t have been more wrong!
If you have been following our blog posts about our journey, you know how the end of that 3 months ended. But that fateful day was the heaviest day as business owners we ever felt!
#MUSErules #10years #ADecadeInBusines #DiamondAnniversary #WomenInBusiness #FemaleBusinessOwners #ItsActuallyAFoxAndFiddle #BodyRubParlor